Springfield, Hunter Mill Democrats celebrate victories

By Susan Laume: Buoyed by camaraderie and recent election results, the mood was decidedly upbeat as the Springfield and Hunter Mill District Democratic Committees  celebrated a great year this weekend. The Springfield Volunteer Celebration was held Friday night at Clifton Town Hall to thank campaign and poll workers. It drew several Springfield area elected officials who thanked volunteers for their…

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Melanie Meren wins Hunter Mill endorsement for school board

By Karen Kirk: Melanie Meren won the endorsement of the Hunter Mill Democratic Committee for the district’s Fairfax County School Board seat Wednesday night surpassing candidate Andy Sigle. Voting took place after each candidate had a chance to address committee members at Lake Anne Elementary School in Reston. During the well-attended committee meeting, Meren told members that her whole career…

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Connolly and Guzman predict continued victories for Democrats at national and state level

by Brad Swanson: Two prominent Virginia elected officials took turns Saturday night at a fund-raising event to celebrate recent Democratic victories and rally party members to take over the House and Virginia state legislature. Speaking first, Va. Del. Elizabeth Guzman (D- 31) used her story as the first Hispanic female immigrant to win election to the state House of Delegates…

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