Elections, Issues, Politics

Linda Sperling brings fresh vision to race for Springfield supervisor against 12-year incumbent

By Susan Laume:

Linda Sperling has a fresh vision for Springfield District. A Democrat, Sperling aims to replace a 12-year Republican incumbent on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, who she believes has long stood in the way of progressive agendas.

Sperling’s decision to run grew out of  her conviction that,  “Local government is so incredibly important to so many facets of our daily lives — what our kids get taught in schools, where houses are built. “ She believes that her opponent, Pat Herrity, has become partisan and ideological, and has more interest in his career aspirations than in serving his constituents.  With a solid business background and extensive volunteering in the community, she is sure she can do a better job representing Springfield citizens.

Sperling has over twenty years of experience in the marketing profession and has received an award from the Public Relations Society of America. She intends to call on her skills in managing teams and budgets, maintaining client relationships, and supporting new business development to take on the challenges of serving in a major county government. She has also honed relevant skills in the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership’s Campaign Training Program.

Her experience in volunteering is equally extensive, and high-level. For example, she is an at-large commissioner on the Fairfax County Transportation Advisory Commission, and has played a role in important transportation projects such as widening of the Fairfax County Parkway.

She has also trained on the advantages of the “Smart Cities” program, a tool to smooth traffic flow with electronic sensors and use of green technologies, like smart lighting. Knowledge of Springfield District transportation challenges led to her desire to seek additional alternative transportation methods, including expanding Fairfax Connector, which has become the largest local bus system in the Northern Virginia region. (See related article in The Blue View)

Sperling also find time to volunteer for family and local organizations, including the Greater DC Diaper Bank,  the Little Rocky Run Community Activities Committee, and her local MOMS Club.

Linda and her husband of eight years, Mike Sperling,  have two sons Brady, six years old, and Ryan, three years old.  They, and Linda’s mom, Betty Ann Dickerhoof, live in the Running Run area of Springfield District.  When not campaigning or volunteering, Linda enjoys spending time with her family and friends, including time outside, enjoying local activities and events, and checking out new area restaurants.  She practices yoga, and played in a kickball league in earlier years.

Sperling has a B.A. from George Mason University and an M.A. in Public Communication from American University. She has taught public speaking and communications at George Mason, as well as at Northern Virginia Community College.

Photo: Linda Sperling and her family enjoy time together outdoors/ Photo by Kristy Bitney


Susan Laume is a member of the Springfield District Democratic Committee and director of the Virginia Dog Army, an animal advocacy group.  She and her dog work as a therapy dog team.


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