Elections, Issues, Politics

Republicans are the problem. We are the solution

By Todd Smyth:

We know how to solve epidemic gun violence.
Every other developed country has solved this problem.
Republicans won’t allow it in America.

We know how to get better healthcare that covers everyone.
Every other developed country spends half as much, with better results.
Republicans won’t allow it in America.

We know how to solve catastrophic climate change.
Wind, solar, batteries, efficiency, more trees etc.
Republicans won’t allow it in America.

We know how to avoid economic crashes.
Stop trickle down economics and invest in the middle class.
Republicans won’t allow it in America.

We don’t need more research.
We don’t need more thoughts and prayers.
We need to get rid of Republicans.

We also know how to get rid of Republicans.
Knock on doors and talk to voters.
It’s your move.

Thank you


Todd Smyth canvasses regularly as a precinct captain and member of Lee District Democratic Committee. He is an instructional designer and e-learning specialist. 

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